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What is Instagram Marketing And How to Use it.

What is Instagram Marketing
What is Instagram Marketing

What is Instagram Marketing And How to Use it?


Instagram is not just a way to post beautiful images. Used strategically, it can become a very effective marketing tool. This visual platform par excellence allows you to identify your potential clients and build a more attractive relationship through images, videos, and stories.

Interest in Instagram is increasingly shifting towards marketing, as the latest updates released by the platform show. In September 2017, Instagram announced that it had reached 800 million subscribers, a milestone considering that just three years ago it had 200 million users. More than 52 million images and videos are posted every day, while 300 million users use stories daily.

In France, 11.8 million users go online every month (2018 statistics). According to estimates, 41% of users are between 16 and 24 years old, 35% are between 25 and 34 years old, 17% are between 35 and 44 years old, and 8% are 45 years old or older.

In short, Instagram can be a very powerful tool for building your brand. More than 60% of platform users say they have already discovered a new product or service on this social network.

These statistics are very impressive, however, I am often asked the question of the relevance of Instagram to your business. So I decided to write this article to answer the question: does your business really need an Instagram account to grow?

Why use Instagram Marketing?

Instagram has had a very fast growth. Born in 2010, it reached 100 million active users in February 2013 and 200 million in March 2014. It is growing exponentially until reaching more than 800 million active users per month in September 2017. Among these users, 500 million They use their account daily. This figure grew stratospherically during 2017: in fact, it went from 150 million daily users in January 2017 to 200 million in April and 500 million in September.

31% of Americans earning over $75,000 are on Instagram

According to demographic data collected by Pew Research in 2016, nearly a third of wealthy Americans use Instagram.

In particular, it is estimated that:

38% of those earning less than $30,000 use Instagram

32% of those earning between $30,000 and $74,999 use Instagram

31% of those who earn more than $75,000 use Instagram

This figure is very interesting for companies that sell medium-profile products. In fact, the largest and most active age group on Instagram is 18-29 year olds. Many of these people are students or new workers. Sure, they may not have a high income yet, but they are the group most likely to spend on items promoted by Instagram influencers.

Instagram marketing, used by 70.7% of companies

This is another stat that indicates how fast Instagram is growing. In 2013, 11.5% of US businesses used Instagram for marketing purposes. This percentage increased to 18.4% in 2014, 32.3% in 2015 and 48.8% in 2016. In 2017, this statistic reached 70.7%, surpassing Twitter, which was present in 2017 by 67, two%.

Advertising on Instagram and why it works

Unlike the simple operation, the world of Instagram advertising is not intuitive at first. Especially for those who have never had to deal with Facebook ads or online advertising in general.

Advertising on social networks follows different logics than traditional advertising. First, after you create and publish a sponsored post, it must be approved by the platform. You can decide to opt out at any time if it does not comply with the rules on online advertising.

Then, the appearance of the ads is based on an auction system, so the price, benefits or the type of action that you want to obtain from the recipient of the ad can vary over time. As a general rule of thumb, for the sponsored post to work well, it should be as close as possible to those posted on social media in an organic context and far from a typical poster or print ad page.

On Instagram, it is possible to sponsor content using various tools and many types of ads. As for the tools, the photographic social network offers the possibility of creating ads both through its official application and through advanced tools such as Facebook Ads. Instagram also offers different types of ads, some more interesting than others, for those who need to promote their business.


However, some operations will continue to be more interested in using the platform than others. I’m mainly thinking of companies that can share artistic content or e-commerce platforms (sharing photos of computer code is not very sexy).

Take the time to implement a consistent long-term ad, organic, and Instagram marketing strategy, and you’ll be impressed with the results it can bring you.

And don’t worry, it’s not particularly complicated. Everyone can do it. Developing an Instagram strategy and reaching new audiences mostly takes thought and time.

What is social media marketing?

What is Social Media Marketing
What is Social Media Marketing

Social What is social media marketing?

What is social media and why do we need to be there? No, it has not been easy for SMEs to live and survive the last years of destruction. With the economic crisis now structural, global, and systemic, the crisis has manifested itself in a much more cruel way on the productive fabric, small and medium-sized businesses, and entrepreneurs.

These are the people who have been entrusted with the creation of 90% of all jobs.

No, surviving the closing of the credit tap was not easy and it is at this stage that the network, this Internet gives us immediate and barrier-free access to information.

This network which connects us without limits to all these people and businesses with those of us who share interests, concerns, and needs, appears as a new door to hope.

What are social networks?

Social networks are platforms on which, thanks to the free circulation of information, the association of people is encouraged.

Through the action of “sharing”, interaction is encouraged, and from it flows new opportunities, fresh needs, and a variety of centres of interest.

This is vitality for business and education, the pillars of the new economy.

Word of mouth in social networks determines the evolution of the supply and demand curve in this cycle of the social economy.

Reputation and influence are key to identifying the return on our investments. The economy is becoming social and it is necessary to include intangible variables such as trust, commitments, ethics, and credibility, in the evolution of growth.

Additionally, social networks consolidate the two-way Web 2.0 and are both co-creators, participatory, and meeting points for the new figure of the consumer.

Why do we need to be in networks?

These are the fastest and most effective channels for conducting market research.
This is where our competitors, allies, collaborators, and influencers are.
They give us the information we need to maintain the level of competitiveness required by today’s market.

Give better Usability.

Allow us to carry out very effective marketing actions thanks to much lower costs than traditional advertising.

They stimulate dialogue and with it the flow of information, always generating new areas of innovation and development.

Customers express their opinion on our brand whether or not we are present on the networks. Watch out for your reputation!

Being on social media is definitely essential for SMBs.

This is because it increases influence levels, improves brand positioning, and allows you to walk the path of building strong bonds with your customers.

You should know that today’s consumer buys emotions and it is Web 2.0 that allows us to reach the very heart where they are produced!

Resources for SMEs provided by social media

We were talking about what social media is and how it can benefit our business.

It is an undeniable reality that the social phenomenon has evolved into the real world, changing not only the way we communicate but also our habits and customs.

As we gain real-time access to information, as needs and interests emerge, we are able to build up a productive fabric that allows us to emerge from the effects of the structural and systemic crisis we are experiencing.

If we wish to become a small business, if we wish to become entrepreneurs and then to be considered “enterprising”, we must include social philosophy in the foundation of our strategy, for which we must have an understanding of what underlies the social universe. Build consistency between our exhibition and our philosophy.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Effective resources for online Social businesses

In general, without any differentiation by market or industry, each brand should have an active, social presence through:

  • Blog
  • Community on Facebook
  • Twitter profile
  • “Who am I” on Linkedin
  • Profile on Google Analytics

After Analysis to focus on them why these resources are essential for SMEs for social brands.

Social Media Marketing/Advertising

Social media advertising is a form of online advertising done by posting ads on social media. The purposes are:

  • Promote products and services;

  • Improve brand reputation and awareness;

  • Promote the website;

  • Increase the popularity of social networks by SEO

  • Use coupons and discounts to increase sales online and in physical stores.

  • Using a marketing technique that exploits the different social networks according to their

  • Native advertising has its own characteristics.

Banners on social networks are an interesting solution for several reasons:

They are not intrusive. Natively integrated into the flow of information and conversations within social channels, advertising is discreet and even appreciated.

They ensure a high level of control over the target, which is unthinkable with traditional advertising media.

Its effect is measurable thanks to the monitoring and analysis systems provided by the social networks themselves.

If the ads lead to the website, the web analysis tool (Google Analytics) intervenes. Results can be analyzed daily with the possibility of making continuous adjustments.

 Developed on the same social platforms and on the associated website.

Why Digital Marketing is so important in 2022

what is digital marketing
what is digital marketing

What is digital marketing?

Why Digital Marketing is so another word for important in 2022? As you understand, this is a rhetorical question. Today, a company that does not invest in digital marketing has no chance of succeeding.

A few years ago and its upheavals have shown that it is a mistake not to use web tools to promote your commercial, artistic, or other project.

But even when physical stores are not closed, it is now imperative to set up a digital marketing company

However, for many, the concept of digital marketing remains obscure. That’s why we have prepared a complete guide on the subject.

The benefits of digital marketing?

Digital marketing is often much more effective and less expensive than offline marketing.

It’s almost impossible to talk about marketing these days without talking about the digital version. However, some companies mired in old habits and traditions do not see the full potential of this discipline.

Besides the fact that it is no longer really possible to promote a service without having an online presence, digital marketing has the following advantages:

It’s cheaper than offline marketing – not all digital marketing is free (although some are). Buying ads on Google, for example, can be relatively expensive. Yet it will still be much cheaper than advertising on TV or in newspapers. It is therefore a way to promote your services, from the start of your activity with a limited budget.

It allows you to analyze and optimize your campaigns more effectively. The problem with offline marketing is that it’s almost impossible to measure its effectiveness. If you print a poster or an advertisement in a newspaper, you cannot know how many people have seen it and how many have become your customers.

Modern digital marketing tools, on the other hand, allow you to measure the specific views, clicks, and even behaviour of people on your website or app. This makes it much easier to judge the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and optimize them later.

It allows you to reach a wider audience. Unless you have a huge budget, offline marketing only allows you to reach a local (or at most national) audience. With digital marketing, on the other hand, you can very easily launch campaigns all over the world, without it costing you more.

Finally, it is important to point out that digital marketing has internet marketing the advantage of often being more accessible for small businesses.

It’s hard to do a TV commercial if you don’t have a whole team at your disposal. On the other hand, you can very well launch a digital marketing campaign as a freelancer, without ruining your budget.

Social media | Digital Marketing
Social media | Digital Marketing `

Digital Marketing Tools.

Now that you know the main forms of digital marketing, let’s take a look at some of the tools you can use to create your campaigns.

Today there are an incredible number of solutions that allow you to organize your digital marketing campaigns. Many are even free depending on the features you use.

It’s impossible to make an exhaustive list of all digital marketing tools, but here are a few to get you started:

Google Search Console for SEO

Google Ads for SEA.

WordPress for blogging

Awin for Affiliate Marketing

Sprout Social for social media marketing.

Sendinblue via email marketing.

Of course, there are many more. A quick Google search will often be enough to help you find what you’re looking for.

What type of company does a Digital Marketing Manager work in?

A digital marketing manager can operate in two types of reality: the first is that of medium-large companies, typically multinationals with many employees. In this case, he supervises and coordinates a team of other professionals who work in different fields, he is a liaison figure:

he is the one who defines the strategies, supervises the work of the internal and external interlocutors, and evaluates the results, c he was the one who directed it entirely.

The second hypothesis, on the other hand, is that the digital marketing manager is becoming more and more essential even in small and medium-sized companies, that is, in companies for which digital is becoming a key lever for customer acquisition, but in which there are very few resources.

so that more people take care of this aspect. In this case, it is a figure who must do a bit of everything within a small company where he can be alone or with others, from the web to social networks via e-commerce.